Some of you, like myself, may already be aware via contact from June's family, or via the message posted on the wellbelove mailing list by the Wellbelove Genealogy webmaster Simon Parker-Galbreath.
Below is Simon's tribute to June:
June was a very active Wellbelove researcher and contributed much to the Wellbelove web pages and often answered queries to the mailing list. I considered her the local expert on the various Wellbelove genealogies of Surrey and Middlesex.
She will be sorely missed.
My personal recollection of June:
I only met June once myself at the Egham Museum back in 2003. I had only recently started researching my own Wellbelove family history in earnest and if it was not for June's help and encouragement alongside Simon's website - of which she was a major contributor, I can honestly say I would still be struggling to construct my own family tree, never mind researching the surname on a worldwide basis.
June always approached her research with a youth-like energy and enthusiasm. Her swift and knowledgeable response to enquiries, never ceased to amaze me. We used to share information and documents over the years - many a time a mystery package would drop through my letter box, sent freely by June, with a little note attached - 'I thought you might be interested in the attached which I found at a recent visit too...'
My thoughts go out to her family at this sad time.